Monday 17 March 2008

Gabe=18 Months

Gabe had his immune-shot today and he did well. He was upset at the nurse and pushed her hands away with the look on his face saying, 'I'm cranky at you!' but at the end he smiled at her and said, "bye bye" before we left. Grandpa and Grandma went down to the doctor's with us as well. It was good having them over the weekend and Gabe was so happy to see his 'Papa' and 'Mama.'

Gabe's into numbers these days. Often he gets them right, but still a bit confused between 6 and 9, and 1 and 7, other than that he often gets them right when he sees the numbers. He's talking a lot more and copying almost everything we say. He's learning to say the seven days at the moment and it's so funny that 'Saturday' seems to be the easiest day for him to pronounce. Anyway, I should get a nice video and post it on here. I need to go to bed now...zzzzzz

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jean, what is your email address? Can you send it to me?
