Monday 17 March 2008

Gabe=18 Months

Gabe had his immune-shot today and he did well. He was upset at the nurse and pushed her hands away with the look on his face saying, 'I'm cranky at you!' but at the end he smiled at her and said, "bye bye" before we left. Grandpa and Grandma went down to the doctor's with us as well. It was good having them over the weekend and Gabe was so happy to see his 'Papa' and 'Mama.'

Gabe's into numbers these days. Often he gets them right, but still a bit confused between 6 and 9, and 1 and 7, other than that he often gets them right when he sees the numbers. He's talking a lot more and copying almost everything we say. He's learning to say the seven days at the moment and it's so funny that 'Saturday' seems to be the easiest day for him to pronounce. Anyway, I should get a nice video and post it on here. I need to go to bed now...zzzzzz

Tuesday 4 March 2008

Gabe's first word was "hello"-he said the word when he was two months old. When I was in Thailand, I got a chance to babysit my little nephew, Ford, can't remember how old he was then but I was able to teach him to say a couple of words and since then I realized that baby can start talking when they're that little.

I found Gabriel always tried to copy things I said since he was a couple of months old. He was able to ask the question, "what's this?" since he was about 6 months and that was when I started to take time teaching him words, telling him what they are and how they relate to our daily life.

Being able to communicate has made him a happy boy.(That's what we think anyway) These days he's able to say "peace(please) and ta(thank you) when he asks for stuff. Recently just learned to say kyou kyou(Thank you) and it sounds so cute. He's also learning to put words together and sometimes he gets it right, and sometimes we just have to guess what he's trying to say.

Last Sunday at church, he's finally old enough to join the other toddlers upstairs where parents are allowed to be with them for 5 minutes then they'll have to leave their kids and go join the service. It was pretty emotional to me, thought he might cry, but it turned out so well. He just said "bye bye, Mom" and gave me a kiss and he was fine. I couldn't concentrate on what Ray was preaching cuz I wondered whether Gabe would be crying or when those ladies were going to come down to get me, but thankfully that didn't happen. After the service I ran straight up and Gabe pointed at me and said, "Mom" with a big smile and I was happy then to know that he had a good time. At women's church, he's going to join the bigger kids next week, so I'll be able to just concentrate on the study. That's such a blessing!

Oh, well! Anyway...this video shows our routine after giving him a bath or a shower, that's when we learn more words together. Sometimes it's a little bit tricky though cuz I breastfeed him right after putting the clothes on him and he's often can't be patient enough to have his tucker. :D