Monday 10 December 2007

Isn't God awesome!

It's Summer here in Australia now but we've got quite a bit of storm and rain in the past few weeks. We went to church this morning and went to Westpoint shopping center after that because I heard Dalta was coming and I wanted to see her sing. I've always liked her. We saw Natalie, the latest Australian Idol yesterday and she's got beautiful voice as well! Anyway, we invited Alan and Saranya to join us and our plan was to go to Cabramatta after that. Thank God it didn't happen!! Saranya and I decided to just do some grocery shopping there at Westpoint instead and after that Alan invited us to go to their place. I didn't wanna go cuz I was tired and so was everybody else. It would be nice to just go home and have a nap. Anyway, we thought it would be nice to catch up with Alan since he was away for 2 weeks and would be great to talk about his trip! Later in the afternoon the sky was all dark, and I said ,"we should probably go home before it rains."-I really wanted to. Saranya kept asking me to stay and go home after it stop raining. Okay then! So we stayed and there came the rain. It was louder than usual and we figured out it was actually hailing!! I was excited and ran outside with the camera and took some pictures. I picked up a piece of hail that I thought was big and put it in my palm and took a picture of it.

About 10 minutes later we received a phonecall from Mom and Dad saying Fiona's house was damaged by hailstorm and they were the size of a fist(a tennis ball)! They asked whether our house was okay and we said oh yeah, it should be fine. It was quite sunny after the rain was gone and we decided to come home an hour later. We saw leaves and glasses everywhere on the road as we drove into Moody Street and the neighbors were out looking at the cars and that was when we thought, 'oh no, our house!' When I got off the car I saw some white stuff on the grass and had a close look and I was shocked to find out that they were the hail still the size of a golf ball. Dave and I went and checked around the house and we are so thankful that only one window is smashed and there are some dents on the roof and that was it. Neighbors have holes on their roof and their cars are damaged and straight away we know it was God. He is so good to us. If only we came home straight after the concert or if we went to Cabramatta, we would have been hit by the hailstorm and our car would have been damaged and perhaps we could have been injured as well. See more pictures here!

Wednesday 5 December 2007

Jesus, you're my super Hero!

Wow! Another year's about to end! God has been so good to us and we're looking forward to the 2 week-holiday during Christmas and the new year. We plan to go up to the Central Coast to celebrate Christmas with family up there, then they'll come down to spend a couple of days down here with us.
I am seeing a christian counselor for my postnatal depression. The depression I'm going through has a lot to do with my childhood and I am thankful that now it's being dealt with professionally. The ladies at church have been a great support and I can't thank them enough for their encouragement and prayers!
Gabriel's still being a handful to me. Just three days ago, he started to climb up on the couch and I'm not excited at all. I know that many other kids his age have learned to do that a lot sooner than him. Gabe on the other hand is well in progress with his language and communication skills. I don't want to encourage him to climb cuz I know one day it's gonna come, but well it's just another part of life I suppose and all I can do is to make sure he's safe.
The weather in Australia is so changeable and often during the day it's too hot so I just take him out and play on the front porch a lot instead of going out for a walk. He's shown a lot of interest on basically everything around him. Being able to communicate a whole lot more makes him a happier child. I'm so thankful that there's gonna be a christian playgroup around the area we live early next year and Gabe and I are lookin' forward to being part of it!