Wednesday 26 September 2007

Gabriel's turned 1

Gabe turned one on 15th September and we held a small party for him with some close friends and family. We'd like to thank everyone for making his birthday very special and memorable. He loves all the gifts and this is one of them.

Gabe's learning new words everyday. He's still asking "what's this?" a lot and he picks up new words a lot quicker as well. He loves his little bible and he calls it "Jesus." We enjoy being his parents and watching him learning new things. We only hope he grows up knowing and loving Christ. Please continue to pray for his future and salvation! :)

Friday 7 September 2007

Gabe's walking :)

What a wonderful Fathers' day present for Daddy! We went up to the Central Coast on 2nd September to celebrate Fathers' Day.(which actually was on the 3rd) When everyone got together, Grandpa reached out his hand and asked Gabriel to walk to him. Gabe, who'd learned to cruise around since he was about 6 months walked towards Grandpa's hand as Grandpa slowly pulled his hand back and Gabriel finally realized that he was walking by himself and since then he's gained the confidence to walk without hanging on to things!! Daddy was so thrilled of course :) Another week to go, and he will turn 1. Gabe's quite talkative now, he keeps pointing to things and asks 'what's this?' or 'what's that?' He enjoys watching the Cockatoos and Galas everyday when they fly to our neighbor's backyard for dinner, and he's crazy about them. Gabe loves playing Pick-a-boo, reading books and his favorite TV. shows are High-5 and New McDonald's Farm. He also loves kissing Mommy and Daddy, especially when he knows he's in trouble :) Anyway, Nui and her family are coming down this weekend and we're lookin' forward to spending time with them. We're also planing to have a small birthday party for our little boy, and I'm planing to make Italian and Mexican food for lunch since Pii Nuch and Pii Yutt made awesome Thai lunch at her twins' birthday party. I will definitely visit their Thai restaurant when it's open...until more sticky rice :D By the way, Happy Birthday to little Emma Mosby, she looked gorgeous on her birthday!!